Hackers compromised Okta’s private GitHub repos

Okta says hackers compromised its private GitHub repos earlier this month and stole its source code.

BleepingComputer got hold of a “confidential” email notification sent by Okta to its “security contacts” about the breach.

The Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions leader says GitHub alerted Okta to the suspicious access earlier this month.

“Upon investigation, we have concluded that such access was used to copy Okta code repositories," wrote...

Malware campaign targets official Python and JavaScript repos

An active malware campaign is targeting official Python and JavaScript repositories.

Software supply chain security firm Phylum spotted the campaign. Phylum said that it discovered the campaign after noticing a flurry of activity around typosquats of the popular Python requests package.

Typosquats take advantage of simple typos to install malicious packages.

In this case, the PyPI typos include: dequests, fequests, gequests, rdquests, reauests, reduests,...

PyPI maintainers warn of ongoing phishing attack

The maintainers of the Python Package Index (PyPI) have warned of an ongoing phishing attack targeting users.

“Today we received reports of a phishing campaign targeting PyPI users. This is the first known phishing attack against PyPI,” wrote the maintainers in a tweet.

A phishing email is sent to users warning that PyPI is implementing a mandatory ‘validation’ process and that users must follow a link or risk their package being removed:


Source code for Rust-based malware leaks on hacking forums

The source code for an info-stealing malware based on Rust has leaked on hacking forums.

Security analysts claim the malware is actively used in attacks and it appears to have a high antivirus evasion rate. VirusTotal returns a detection rate of around 22 percent.

The developer claims to have developed the malware in just six hours. Despite being based on Rust, the malware currently only targets Windows machines.

Cybersecurity firm Cyble analysed the malware...

Web3 projects lost over $2B to hacks in H1 2022

A report from CertiK finds that web3 projects lost over $2 billion to hacks in H1 2022—more than all of 2021 combined.

“2022 is already the most expensive year for web3 by far. From these numbers, 2022 is forecast to see a 223% increase in the funds lost to attacks when compared with 2021,” wrote CeriK in their report.

CertiK’s sobering report highlights the difficulties of an industry that pitches itself as returning to the decentralised ideals of web1 while...

HackerOne employee disclosed vulnerabilities ‘for personal gain’ 

An employee of HackerOne was caught accessing security reports and disclosing vulnerabilities “for personal gain”.

HackerOne is a vulnerability coordination and bug bounty platform that connects businesses with penetration testers and cybersecurity researchers.

Following a customer report of a suspicious vulnerability disclosure made outside of the HackerOne platform, the company decided to launch an investigation.

Jober Abma, Co-Founder of HackerOne,...

GitHub will mandate 2FA to help secure the software supply chain

GitHub will require all users who contribute code on the platform to use 2FA as part of its latest security improvements.

Attacks on the software supply chain are on the increase. GitHub, which has over 83 million code-contributing users, is stepping up to the plate to protect developers and the software supply chain with this major policy change announcement.

“At GitHub, we believe that our unique position as the home for all developers grants us both an opportunity...

Five Eyes alliance lists 2021’s top vulnerabilities

A cybersecurity advisory issued by members of the ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence alliance lists the most-exploited vulnerabilities of 2021.

The Five Eyes consists of the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Over recent weeks, cybersecurity authorities from the normally secretive alliance have issued a number of joint statements amid increasing global threats.

According to the alliance, here were the top 15 “routinely exploited” vulnerabilities in...

Google’s Project Zero found over twice as many exploits in 2021

Project Zero, Google’s in-house team of experts tasked with finding zero-day exploits, reports that it found over twice as many in 2021.

According to the team’s annual report, it found a record 58 zero-day exploits in 2021. That’s over double the 25 it detected in 2020 and the previous record of 28 detected in 2015.

(Credit: Google)

While such a large uptick may cause alarm, Google puts a positive spin on the news.

“We believe the large...

GitHub notifies victims of OAuth token theft

GitHub is notifying known victims of an ongoing attack using stolen third-party OAuth user tokens.

OAuth user tokens maintained by Heroku and Travis CI were stolen and abused by an unauthorised party to download data from dozens of organisations, including npm.

Mike Hanley, Chief Security Officer at GitHub, wrote in a blog post:

“We have high confidence that compromised OAuth user tokens from Heroku and Travis-CI-maintained OAuth applications were stolen and...