GitHub Octoverse 2021: Developer diversity is increasing, code is shipping faster than ever

The 2021 edition of GitHub’s annual Octoverse report highlights a welcome increase in the diversity of the developer community alongside many other interesting trends.

According to the report, almost 60 percent of active GitHub users are now distributed outside North America. The world’s largest repo service is seeing the fastest user growth in Indonesia, Brazil, India, Russia, Japan, Germany, Canada, the UK, and China.

Developers are both writing and shipping code...

Stack Overflow enhances Microsoft Teams integration as hybrid working here to stay

Stack Overflow has announced enhanced integration with Microsoft Teams the same week a ‘Future of Work’ report highlights that hybrid working is here to stay.

Over the past six months alone, Stack Overflow says that it’s seen a 137 percent increase in Microsoft Teams usage among its Enterprise customers. With clear benefits and the future still uncertain, many businesses are increasing their support for hybrid working rather than roll back the progress they’ve made over...

Linux Foundation: Companies are struggling to find open-source talent

The Linux Foundation and edX have released the 2021 Open Source Jobs report which reveals the struggle companies are having in finding talent.

As the world recovers from the pandemic, the general talent shortages across industries have been well-documented. However, the new report shows just how pronounced the problem is when it comes to hiring open-source expertise.

Technology helped to keep the world moving during the pandemic and even the most resistant-to-change...

Cardano tops blockchain dev activity for second year, Avalanche witnesses explosive growth

Outlier Ventures has released its blockchain development trends report for Q2 2020/21 and it highlights growing interest around the “Ethereum killers”.

Ethereum is the original smart contract platform and, to this day, hosts the largest number of decentralised applications. With a market cap of $408.3 billion, it’s the second-largest cryptocurrency behind Bitcoin ($893.5 billion).

However, Ethereum continues to be plagued by slow transaction speeds and high fees....

Stack Overflow: Cloud migration ‘skyrockets’ following pandemic

Stack Overflow’s second pulse survey focuses on the cloud and highlights a migration acceleration of three to four years following the pandemic.

It’s a well-known fact that some of the biggest technological and societal advancements happened in times of global chaos, often from sheer necessity. While the pandemic brought much tragedy and grief that no-one wants to repeat, there were at least some silver linings in terms of accelerating digital...

2021 Stack Overflow Survey: React.js takes the web framework crown, Python is in-demand, and devs still love Rust

The 2021 edition of Stack Overflow’s developer survey features both substantial changes in the landscape while other elements have remained stubbornly resilient.

In a blog post, Stack Overflow’s Ben Popper and David Gibson wrote:

“This year’s survey was a little different than ones in years past. We opened our 2020 survey in February, and by the time we got around to publishing the results, the reality of work and daily life had shifted dramatically for people...

2021 State of DevOps report highlights factors that lead to success

Puppet’s latest State of DevOps report arrives ten years after the first edition and highlights that successful DevOps is dependent on a number of factors.

The first State of DevOps report was released when DevOps was only discussed by some cutting-edge decision-makers. A decade on, 83 percent now report their organisations are implementing DevOps practices.

Michael Stahnke, VP of Platform at CircleCI, said:

“In ten years, we've gone from hype to practice...

Mac Apps Report arms developers with useful consumer insights

Setapp has released its first Mac Apps Report which provides developers with useful insights into consumer attitudes.

When it comes to one-off purchases versus subscriptions, over double prefer to pay for a lifetime license (36%) compared to an ongoing fee (14%). However, 38 percent selected the “it depends” answer which indicates some flexibility for the right app.

Interestingly, 58 percent of respondents at least somewhat agreed with the statement that they prefer...

Report: 96% of iOS 14.5 users in the US are blocking ad tracking

According to a new report, around 96 percent of iOS users in the US are using Apple’s new privacy feature to block ad tracking.

Starting with iOS 14.5, apps that wish to track users for advertising purposes must ask for explicit user consent.

Flurry Analytics has been tracking daily opt-in and opt-out rates following iOS 14.5’s launch and found that – of a sample of 2.5 million active users – only around four percent in the US are allowing apps access to their...

GitLab: 2020 was a ‘catalyst for DevOps maturation’

GitLab’s fifth annual DevSecOps survey reveals that last year was pivotal for the maturation of DevOps.

The only silver lining from the disaster of a year that was 2020 is that it helped to highlight inefficiencies with legacy processes and technologies. As the world looks to "build back better" from the pandemic, the work of DevOps teams should provide some inspiration.

Eric Johnson, CTO at GitLab, said:

“This year’s Global DevSecOps Survey shows that...