Apple allows subscription price increases without explicit consent

Apple is changing its policy around auto-renewing subscriptions; allowing them to be increased in price without explicit user consent.

Under the previous policy, a user would be alerted to the price change and have to manually accept any increase. Failing to accept the new pricing would result in the subscription being automatically cancelled at the next renewal.

The new approach still alerts users to price changes but no longer requires the user to opt-in before it...

Google slashes its Play Store cut for more developers

Google has announced that it’s following the industry trend and slashing its cut of Play Store sales for more developers.

The previous 70/30 cut was once the industry standard for app stores but has faced increasing backlash over the years from both developers and regulators. Critics have long argued that the stores have abused their market position to take an unfair cut.

Epic Games was the first major player to disrupt the model with the launch of the Epic Store,...

Apple developers can soon issue codes for discounted subscriptions

Developers for Apple's increasing number of platforms will soon be able to issue codes for discounted subscriptions.

While we now have macOS, tvOS, watchOS, iOS, and iPadOS… fortunately, we have the App Store to bind them.

Apple has announced a new feature called Offer Codes. The name is pretty self-explanatory, but there are some details to be aware of.

While it's long been possible to issue codes for discounted apps, developers were stuck if they wanted to...