Google Play now supports Web3 experiences

Google Play is updating its policies to support “blockchain-based experiences” in recognition of Web3’s potential.

“As a platform, we always want to help developers bring innovative ideas to life. Google Play hosts a variety of blockchain-related apps, and we know that our partners are excited to expand on these offerings to create more engaging and immersive digital experiences with tokenised digital assets such as NFTs,” wrote Joseph Mills, Group Product Manager for...

CAF report highlights developers’ plight from anti-competitive practices

A report from the Coalition for App Fairness (CAF) highlights the difficulties that developers face due to anti-competitive practices.

CAF is an independent nonprofit with over 60 member companies that advocates for freedom of choice and fair competition across the app ecosystem. Epic Games, which has regularly made headlines for its court battles against Apple over alleged anti-competitive practices, is one of CAF’s founding members.

The industry group is currently...

More developers earn $1M via the App Store than Google Play, but the gap is closing

A report from Sensor Tower finds that more developers still earn their first $1 million from the App Store than Google Play, but the gap is closing.

It’s been fairly common knowledge for some time now that, on average, developers earn more from the App Store over Google’s counterpart—despite the much larger global marketshare of the latter.

Android commands around 73 percent of the global smartphone market compared to 26 percent for iOS. However, Apple continues to...

Google: Android app engagement on Chrome OS is growing 50% YoY

As we barrel towards 2022, Google has released some interesting statistics about its platforms over the past year.

The demand for software has grown over the past couple of years as enterprises and employees adapt to new ways of working and continuing business in a rapidly-changing world. As consumers, many of us are spending more time at home and relying on software to entertain us and make our lives easier.

Chromebooks are often associated with students as they’re...

Report: Developing markets are suffering a mobile malware pandemic

Anti-fraud platform Secure-D has released a report highlighting the mobile malware pandemic that developing markets are suffering.

The report is based on Secure-D’s processing of one billion mobile transactions and service sign-ups for 35 mobile operators in 23 emerging markets, helping to protect a total of almost 840 million users.  

Secure-D detected 46,000 malicious apps; with around one in six (16%) mobile devices in emerging markets carrying at least...